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I'm a Christian Mom answering the call to educate our children at home. You can also follow me at www.facebook.com/littleschoolofthewest and on Twitter @schoolofthewest

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Let me start by saying, I love my boys!  Each of them are gifts from our Heavenly Father and I wouldn't trade them for the world!

That being said, I find it comical the reactions I get from people when we are out and about.  I get the "she must be crazy" look a lot more now that I have three kiddos in tow (5 and under) when I'm doing my grocery shopping.  I just grin at them and keep shopping.

{All the while contemplating what I would love to say to them if they actually had the gull to say something to me, "Yes, I'm a busy Mom of three... three children and a husband who need to be fed on a daily basis and just like you I purchase those food items from a store and because my husband works long hours at a job he has to provide for us these three handsome boys and myself go on weekly shopping trips." - my inner self can be quite sassy at times :) }

It's as if people believe I should get a sitter so I can get my shopping done in peace... and although there are times I wished I had waited until Craig got home in the evening so I could go on my own, I believe that this is my job and part of this job is to purchase and prepare meals for my family.

Don't get me wrong, there are days when I will leave the kids with Craig so I can make a quick trip or two but I don't think it's fair to always wait until he walks in the door so I can say a quick hello and walk out the door myself.  Between his commute and his daily work schedule my husband is gone at least 11-12 hours a day and I try to have dinner ready (or at least in the oven) when he gets home so we can enjoy some time together as a family in the evenings.

That being said, there have been many times over the years that I've gotten comments like, "Two boys? Oh I bet you're hoping this one's a girl!" to me while I was pregnant with David and out shopping with Josh and Nathan.  Once we knew that we were having another boy and I would reveal that news I would get, "Oh, are you going to keep trying for a girl?"

I get it, there is a special bond between a mother and her daughter that I would love to have but honestly, these boys have stolen my heart!  Not to mention the fact that God, in his divine plan, chose me to be the mother of these boys for a reason, he must think that I am a good candidate for raising Godly men.  (As I stated earlier... go figure, right?!  But as the saying goes, if you want to make God laugh tell him YOUR plans!)

Anyway, this has been on my mind a lot lately... well, because I've recently been getting a lot more of these comments and I wanted to share.

As for the conversations with these strangers that I have on a regular basis (one of which was at Disneyland yesterday on the tram) I tell them that I've always wanted four kids, regardless if they were boys, girls or a mixture of the two.  If Craig and I decide to try for another blessing and God chooses to add a girl to our family next time then that would be great... but if he chooses to give us another boy, well, let's face it- he'll fit right in!



  1. As a mama of a boy this post brought tears to my eyes! Boys really are such a blessing and you are right....they steal our hearts!

  2. Awwww! Yes they do! I was just over at your blog this morning, reading a few of your current posts :) What a handsome little guy you have!

  3. I actually commented on this a couple days ago, but it didn't stick!!!

    I get this completely! (well, except I only have 1). People are always asking me if I want this next one to be a girl because I already have a boy and they are always shocked when I say "not necessarily" I mean, it would be so fun to have a little girl, but I have had so much fun with my little guy over the last 3 years. I would love to do it all again with another boy. He has just stolen my heart completely! And it would be great to see JJ playing with his little brother too.

    Of course I'd love to have a girl too, but it definitely surprises people when I don't immediately say "Yes!! I WANT A GIRL!!!"
