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I'm a Christian Mom answering the call to educate our children at home. You can also follow me at www.facebook.com/littleschoolofthewest and on Twitter @schoolofthewest

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Thanks to a certain uncle (thanks again, Piet!) the boys and I embarked on a butterfly journey back in January.  Our family really enjoyed watching the caterpillars change each day.  We marked the arrival of our caterpillars by creating a couple of our own:

The boys would check on them every day and were very excited when they made their way to the top of the cup to begin their chrysalis stage.  

A couple weeks later we came home from church to find one of our butterflies had completed his transformation and had emerged.

Unfortunately, even though we were lucky enough that all 5 of our caterpillars arrived alive and completed their transformations, we did not get to witness any of them emerge from their chrysalides.  Even though we were at home (besides the first one while we were at church) we were either sleeping or working on something in another room/outside.

We observed our 5 beautiful butterflies for about a week and when the weather was nice and warm we decided to let them go.

To wrap it all up we did a butterfly craft:

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