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I'm a Christian Mom answering the call to educate our children at home. You can also follow me at www.facebook.com/littleschoolofthewest and on Twitter @schoolofthewest

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Date with my Husband

My husband and I were able to get away for a couple hours the other day and we decided to go out to dinner.

While at dinner (at Red Robin... one of our favorites) we were discussing how well the boys are doing; how quickly Josh started to read, how driven Nathan is to catch up/ keep up with his brother and how much they're enjoying the Magic Tree House series.

You know, parent/teacher conference material ;)

Anyway, our conversation continued and Craig started telling me about work and how he had a conversation with a co-worker that day about the benefits of homeschooling.

Let me step back a minute, one of his co-workers and his wife homeschool their children so when Craig comes home and starts talking about homeschooling and someone at work I assume it's this one particular person (whose name I can never remember... big company, lots of names).

Back to dinner... so Craig's going on about this conversation he had and I was agreeing whole heartedly about all of the benefits he listed when I realized this conversation he had was with a co-worker who works out of state (a.k.a. not the particular person I had in mind).

I stopped eating and got this huge smile on my face.

You see, when we first started discussing the option of homeschooling in a more serious light we were both at odds about the subject but Craig was a bit more leery than I was.  He wasn't completely opposed but he definitely needed more time to process.  So, when he said to do some research and we'd discuss I kept filling his ear with all of this information and we talked (and talked and talked) it through.  I was sold after only a day or two of reading, research and discussions with friends who homeschool.  It took Craig a day or two longer for it to really sink in and know that this really is the best option for our family.

So you can guess how happy I felt at that moment, sitting there listening to what he told someone at work that day and how he went on about how great homeschooling is and how it's going to benefit our family in the years to come.

I know that this isn't the path for everyone, but we are excited that God is leading us in this direction!


  1. Homeschooling is a GREAT adventure. I look forward to hearing about yours. ;)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Beth! It's definitely an adventure I'm excited about!!
