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I'm a Christian Mom answering the call to educate our children at home. You can also follow me at www.facebook.com/littleschoolofthewest and on Twitter @schoolofthewest

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Labor of Love

It came!  Everything I need to make the boys their Child Training Bible came today and I was anxious to start putting it all together.  (I got the chart set from their website and ordered the Biblehighlighters, and tabs from Amazon.)

Once we were done with our regular school schedule (as well as all of the day to day Mommy chores) I laid it all out and got to work while the boys played outside.  I only got about 1/4 of the way through when I had to tend to the baby but I got a good start and I'm really excited about how it's looking so far.

The boys came over to the table several times while I was working on it and kept asking questions.  I explained to them what it is and how we're going to use it and they seem equally as anxious for it to be ready.

I am excited to have an easy resource at my finger tips to share Biblical truths behind the morals that we are teaching the boys.

There are a plethora of passages for every season and emotion that we may face in our lives and I have always wanted to know the Bible well enough to spout the location of those passages off hand.  I know some very special people in my life that can but I am most certainly not one of them.

I will have to keep you all posted on how this resource works out for us but from what I can tell I think it's going to be the perfect addition to our "schoolroom".

Laying out the ground work for this homeschooling journey (the teacher in me has come out in FULL force) made me start thinking today about how this really is a labor of love.  I am putting a lot of time and effort into busy work for Nathan and work for Josh that is engaging to keep everything new and exciting (for as long as possible anyway).

I have spent a lot of time over the past few months setting things up so our day can go as smoothly as possible and I am really pleased with how it's all been working out.

I have also done A LOT of reading and comparing/contrasting different methods of homeschooling as well as the curriculums available.  I'm pretty excited that after all of my research I've figured out what works best for our family and the boys are absolutely THRIVING :)

All of the time that I've spent doing these things has been such a privilege for me.  I know that this is my "job" but because it's something I absolutely LOVE doing it doesn't feel as though I'm working.  This is exactly what I'm meant to do and I'm determined to do it to the best of my ability.

I'll share more later about the schedule and curriculum choices that are working best for our family so stay tuned.


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